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About Therapy

Perhaps you’re down or anxious – maybe you’re unsure about the future of a relationship, or just feel that you aren’t living the life you were meant to lead. Whatever your needs may be, I am here to offer support.

Therapy is a process of growth and self-discovery. I promote a greater sense of self by empowering new perspectives and the adoption of new attitudes. Therapy can be an emotive experience, helping you understand a deeper sense of self.

I have the tools and professional experience to help you on your journey of self-discovery. Awarded degree in Humanistic Counselling BA(Hons) at University of Nottingham. A Registered BACP Member- MBACP. Extensive experience working with Adults and Young People, in clinical, educational and digital settings across the West and East Midlands.

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“Am I living in a way which is deeply satisfying to me, and which truly expresses me?

Carl Rogers
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